Plantsome USA Bol Collection Feed Plantsome USA bol-collection-feed 8260090822943 Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen/Princess | Wax Plant (S) Jessica Jessica is a go getter. She started her career long ago as a movie and TV extra in L.A. but she's a gal with big ambitions. Back in the day she says she would juggle her time between countless auditions and being a bartender in a strip club bar near Long Beach. These days, Jessica is the lead actress in many Hollywood blockbuster movies and even has a Wax Bar. Its a strange combo but hey, you work it, girl! Get ready to say "yaasss" to the Hoya Krimson Queen! This beautiful, variegated Hoya Carnosa is a visual treat, really! Jessica's lovely foliage features light and dark green tones with strawberry cream markings if treated well. Talking about care, make sure you let Jessica tan somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. Also, don't forget to water her once a week but DON'T over do it. Coming from L.A., Jessica doesn't like the rain that much! *Please note that Plantsome carries an assorted variety of Krimson Princess and Krimson Queen. You will receive either of these two plants in your order. 4 7 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 8260033118495 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (S) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia older brother, Indy left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 4 11 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260143776031 Calathea Roseopicta Dottie (S) Dottie At 65 Dottie is a completely new plant. She’s been prescribed medicinal marijuana for her cataracts and it’s completely opened up her mind. Dottie walks around in a world of vibrant colors, she sees her own leaves as a mix of purples and pinks. Whenever the grandchildren are over, she tells the younger ones to never stop dreaming and slips the older ones some weed cookies. It’s hard to argue with somebody who never stops smiling. Dottie can be found dressed in a mix of velvet-red robes and flowing gowns that look like they belong in a ballroom dresser room. Dottie even got caught speeding on the highway and told the officer he had a beautiful soul. She got off without a ticket. The Calathea Roseopicta Dottie is visually striking to say the least with dark green leaves that are beautifully contrasted against pink borders and strokes and a purple underside. Dottie needs plenty of diffused sunlight but if she’s out in direct sunlight it can cause her to lose the beautiful markings on her leaves. Plus too much sunlight makes her feel totally baked! Keep her soil damp but not enough that she sits there in water. Even when she’s got the munchies! 4 6 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks, during summer 8260070244639 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Swiss Cheese Plant (S) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 4 9 8260057268511 Peace Lily | Spathiphyllum (S) Lily Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily. 4 10 8260033315103 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (M) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia's older brother, Indy, left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 6 13 8260019093791 Aloe Vera (M) Vera Vera is that fit, healthy #spinningclassat6AM friend we all have. You know, the one that's on a KETO diet and looks at you funny when you order a creamy donut as a side to your eggs benny. While we go about living our best life, Vera is living her fittest life and we have to admit, she's looking pretty darn good. All those workouts have given her a little bit of a prickly character but thats ok. Nothing that a chocolate bar can't fix. Oh wait...We didn't mean that Vera... Vera? Vera! The Aloe Vera plant is actually a member of the succulent family, which means she doesn't need much water! Succulents store water in their stems, roots or leaves. Saving it for a not-so-rainy-day, shall we say? We think it's a pretty neat trick since all we have is that pesty water bottle we keep forgetting. But there's more to this plant than just survival skills; she's an air-purifying powerhouse, ensuring your space stays fresh. Even legends like Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were wise to her charms. Plus, she's incredibly low-maintenance, so you can relax even if you occasionally forget to water her. Just remember to place her in bright, indirect sunlight, let her soil dry out between waterings, and avoid exposing her to extreme cold. Keep it chill, and this Aloe will keep your space looking and feeling fresh. 6 10 Little Strong air purifier Partial shade Toxic! Once every two years Not needed 8260197908767 Platycerium | Staghorn Fern (S) Oscar Oscar’s a grouch. His hobbies are spreading misery, taking naps, and glaring at you through his fronds. Though he’d prefer living in a trash can or mounted to a board (its a thing), he’ll be dissatisfied no matter where you put him. And don’t try to build a relationship with him because he doesn’t want friends but don’t leave him alone because he needs someone to listen to him complain. And don’t bring your pets around him (because he hates your pets) but don’t refuse him a pet of his own. And don’t compliment him but don’t let him forget how much better he is than everyone else. And whatever you do, also consider not doing it. Oscar is a unique plant, with branching leaves that spread out like antlers from their base. His fronds look stunning over the side of a hanging basket, and eclectic when mounted to a board with a piece of sphagnum moss. A lover of trash, Oscar still likes to be bathed for 10-20 minutes when his moss dries and to have his fronds misted while he gripes about all your friends. 4 6 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 8260191617311 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (S) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic. 4 12 Infrequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Non-Toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 8260156195103 Pothos Jade Pearl (S) Aurora Aura's chill sister, Aurora is the laid-back one. Sure, like all Epipremnum Aureum (that's her royalty name), Aurora digs being in the spotlight, but not if that means direct sunlight or paparazzi flashes. Kind of like the Pippa to Aura's Kate. You grow, girl! Aurora is the nerdy type who loves to read about what NASA is up to these days. In fact, she was even featured in a viral NASA article once, about air purifying plants! Like most nerds, Aurora too hates to leave the house, and would rather have her sunlight filtered through a window. Otherwise, if you give her a lot of light, Aurora will wither like a vampire in the sun, or that kid in school that one time his crush caught him doing the Spock Hand Sign (cue sad trombone sound effect). 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260090265887 Monstera Deliciosa (M-6in) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico,  allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela.  This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 6 15 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 8260079157535 Calathea Makoyana | Peacock Plant (M) Leandro This stunning Brazilian dude is ready to elevate your home to a whole new level of glam. To look the way he does, Leandro spends hours at the gym every single day. We are kind of obssessed to be honest. Those incredible glossy, strong, manicured leaves resemble the looks of an Olympian God. He's just impeccably handsome! Gosh! Leandro has beautiful dark and pale green leaves that make him spectacular. This Peacock plant is used to the exotic, tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro, so he expects that you place him somewhere with constant high humidity. Placing a bowl with water near Leandro is nice. Also, let those muscles grow by making sure that Leandro enjoys low to moderate sunlight and a well-moist soil.  Obrigado! 6 10 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260064444703 Stromanthe Triostar (M) Donna She's a Stromanthe Triostar but listens to the name 'Donna'. Her beautiful striking green, cream white and pink leaves fit her perfectly. She has such a colorful personality. Frankly, the more we get to know her the more we realize she's kind of a hippie. Don't let her looks fool you, she'd love to be protesting the war and light a blunt. 'Make love, not war dude.' If you thought all we had was green, think again! The Calathea Triostar has wonderfully pink and creamy white leaves and yes that is amazing. But what is even more amazing is the fact that she closes those leaves at night! You may have to get used to the rustle! Donna loves the light but keep her away from direct sunlight. Peace and love sister! 6 14 Regular water needed Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic to humans and pets Once every two years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 8260048912671 Calathea Ornata (M) Pink Pink always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! Pink is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Julia, Brooke, Sophia and Susie. In fact, this pretty lady's got something not many plants have, pink stripes! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting her to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  6 10 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260037509407 Pilea Peperomioides | Pancake Plant (M) Penny We first met Penny in Vegas. It was 3am and we were working our way through a full stack of buttermilk pancakes at one of those 24 hour joints just off the strip. She was in one of the booths at the back of the room conducting a little off-license gambling operation - playing a shell game. She was so charming and smooth we fell for her immediately. As fast as you can say "flapjack" she had cleaned us out completely. That's OK, caveat emptor right? She is a money plant after all! What a delightful plant Penny is! Her big pancake shaped leaves remind you of Happy Faces and happy times. She is an easy plant to care for and grow. Just keep her well watered (her roots don't like to dry out) and in a nice bright spot and she will grow lots of new Pennies. That's right, it is super easy to propagate Penny so you can give good luck Pennies to friends and they can do the same and so on, and so on... 6 8 Frequent Low air purifying Bright spot, no direct sunlight Non-toxic Every two years Once a month 8260030497055 Alocasia Amazonica | African Mask (S) Tiki You know that Brady Bunch episode when the gang goes to Hawaii and Bobby finds an old Hawaiin Idol that brings bad luck to whoever touches it? Let's just say cultural sensitivity in the 70's wasn't what it is today. Well, Alocasia Amazonica or Tiki is kinda similar - she's not from the Amazon at all - but was created in a Florida nursery in the 50's by crossing A. longiloba and A. sanderiana. And to top it off many people feel they have been cursed by bad luck when they realize how difficult it can be to look after these plants. Oh, Tiki! The Alocasia Amazonica is one of many species of Alocasia (almost 100 unique species!). It's commonly known as an African Mask or Elephant's Ear plant. The dark leaves with striking white veins make it a popular houseplant. Those beautiful leaves can grow to up to 40 cm in length. Alocasia thrive in bright, indirect sunlight - as much as they can get. Like a lot of tropical plants, water is important - the soil in the spring and summer should always be moist - but not soaking wet. Alocasia can be a challenging plant to care for, but when you get it right, it is incredibly rewarding!Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 4 10 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 8260020306207 Zamioculcas (M) | ZZ Plant Luke Luke is your perfect living room buddy. He doesn't need a lot of looking after and grows slowly. Some have luck, some have Luke! Luke is also slightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Besides those little quirks, Luke is pretty laid back and handles himself well in most environments. Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 6 16 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 8260370989343 Alocasia Cuprea | Red Secret (S) Theodora Theodora is part of the wealthy elite whose names you and I will likely never hear and faces we shall never see. It is known that Theodora’s family dates back to the very same pharaohs who ruled over Egypt and built the pyramids. The blood that runs in her veins is older than money itself and unfathomably more powerful. Theodora also goes by “Dragon Scale” due to an abnormally scaly part at the bottom of her spine - it is rumoured she isn’t fully human plant but part something other than this world. The Alocasia Red Secret is extremely rare and finding one is something to be proud of in of itself. This gorgeous beauty has enormous marked and textured leaves which only lend credence to the idea that she is part something non-plant. She thrives in the bright indirect light with a bit of shade thrown in, and particularly enjoys conducting business in humid environments. It would be wise to keep the soil wet and not soggy... unless you want to find out more about that secret side. 4 8 8260298998047 Maranta Kerchoveana | Green Prayer Plant (M) Amy Amy decided to give up the glam life of being a celebrity publicist after 'finding herself' during a meditation retreat in Northern California. She's really turned a new leaf (heh) and is now all about that organic, non-gmo gluten free vegan life these days. At night, you'll find her staring at the sky, spiritually, as she closes her leaves to appreciate yet another day. Ahhhh... Namaste! Were you praying for more Prayer Plants? We got you fam! This gorgeous Green Prayer Plant, also known as Maranta Kerchoveana, is native to Brazil. She features a light green foliage with dark green patches on the front and a silvery green tone on the undersides—hello fifty shades of green! Coming from the rainforest, make sure to water and mist your Green Prayer regularly. As to her preferences for lighting: bright, indirect sun is best but she can tolerate a bit of shade every once in a while. 15 11 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Once a month in spring & summer 8260213735711 Alocasia Baginda | Silver Dragon (S) Shania Shania is the kind of legend that only comes around once in a century. This rare lady should be cherished. She ain’t shy though, she wants what she wants and won’t stop as long as she’s alive. Will outshine the others- literally, with her silver coat. Her name Bagina translates to ‘King’ or ‘Majesty’ in Bahasa and she lives up to her name with her commanding presence. In the winter season you'll find her at her vacation homes in The Bahamas, Switzerland or Las Vegas but when summer comes around, she is ready to drop another fire album and sprout new leaves. Ho-ly-mother of leaves! Alocasia Silver Dragon are a rare species of Alocasia and you can see why! Give this green amigo bright, indirect light and a constant 16 degrees celsius or more and wait for his soil to dry a few inches down before you water again. So like...dry but not like dry-dry you know? More like moist but not wet you feel us? Kanye loves loves humidity so spray his leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your feed or doing other important work. Hey who said taking care of plants was easy! Hey...where are you going? Come back! 4 7 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 8260211278111 Philodendron Brazil (S) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place! Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. 4 5 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260197515551 Selenicereus Anthonyanus | Ric Rac Fishbone Cactus (S) Jacques Jacques knows he doesn’t look like a stereotypical cactus. You don’t need to keep bringing it up. He knows that cacti are predominantly leafless but, guess what? Those wavy green things aren’t leaves. They’re flattened stems. And he knows cacti don’t normally look this gobsmackingly gorgeous hanging over a basket but it’s not his fault his flowers are so pretty. And, okay, your average cactus is a big prick compared to Jacques’s harmless, limp exterior, but that doesn't mean he won’t poke your eye out in a fight. So, go ahead, provoke him. Because Jacques is ready to eat some water-soluble cactus fertilizer or throw down...and he’s all out of water-soluble cactus fertilize! Jacques would kick you in the face if it meant he could get a nice spot in some bright, indirect light. Jacques would punch you in the gut (or groin even) for a consistent, biweekly to monthly watering schedule that takes into account his low tolerance for cold water. Jacques would literally burn your house down for monthly doses of fertilizer to encourage healthy growth. Point is, watch out and download the Plantsome App so none of this has to happen! 4 8 Very little Typically low air purifier Bright, direct light Toxic Every 2-3 years 2-3 times per year 8260195615007 Platycerium | Staghorn Fern (M-6in) Oscar Oscar’s a grouch. His hobbies are spreading misery, taking naps, and glaring at you through his fronds. Though he’d prefer living in a trash can or mounted to a board (its a thing), he’ll be dissatisfied no matter where you put him. And don’t try to build a relationship with him because he doesn’t want friends but don’t leave him alone because he needs someone to listen to him complain. And don’t bring your pets around him (because he hates your pets) but don’t refuse him a pet of his own. And don’t compliment him but don’t let him forget how much better he is than everyone else. And whatever you do, also consider not doing it. Oscar is a unique plant, with branching leaves that spread out like antlers from their base. His fronds look stunning over the side of a hanging basket, and eclectic when mounted to a board with a piece of sphagnum moss. A lover of trash, Oscar still likes to be bathed for 10-20 minutes when his moss dries and to have his fronds misted while he gripes about all your friends. 6 12 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 8260192862495 Zamioculcas (S) | ZZ Plant Luke Luke is your perfect living room buddy. He doesn't need a lot of looking after and grows slowly. Some have luck, some have Luke! Luke is also slightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Besides those little quirks, Luke is pretty laid back and handles himself well in most environments. Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 4 9 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 8260182671647 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Mini Monstera Ginny (M) Nikki Just because Nikki is an easy plant to maintain, doesn’t mean she’s an easy plant to find. In order to “get down with the Nik-ness”, you must remind her how rare and special she is on the daily. She likes to think that she’s the last plant you think about at night and the first plant you think about in the morning. But, like, don’t get too obsessed because Nikki doesn’t like that. She’s cool and casual. Cool, casual, and ready to be showered in your unrelenting love. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Raaa-fid-a-fooor...screw it. This plant is chill. She doesn’t have time for nine syllable Latin names and neither do we. Her name is Nikki (two syllables, thank you very much) and she’s always down to hang. Well, as long as the lighting is good and her soil is moist. Not too moist: remember to drain the soil. 6 18 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260181197087 Monstera Deliciosa (S) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico,  allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela.  This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 4 9 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 8260131750175 Peperomia Hope (S) Zoe Zoe is fascinated with those little things in life that make us happy. She wakes up every morning to watch the sunrise, prefers to have breakfast in bed and starts her day with yoga. Zoe is a laid-back, cheery plant that brightens up everyone's day at the office. She is so positive that from time to time, we need to tell her to stop playing "All You Need is Love" on repeat. Zoe is a true dreamer, no doubt! As an optimist, the Peperomia Hope expects that you treat her well. But as a semi-succulent and realist, she understands that life happens sometimes, and you might occasionally forget about the whole watering thing (just don't make it a habit, okay?). This beauty can thrive in moderate to bright indirect light conditions and is non-toxic to pets, making her an ideal choice for new plant parents. Her Peperomia party trick? She's a fantastic air purifier. Seriously, what's not to love about her? 4 5 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 8260118970655 Maranta Kerchoveana | Green Prayer Plant (S) Amy Amy decided to give up the glam life of being a celebrity publicist after 'finding herself' during a meditation retreat in Northern California. She's really turned a new leaf (heh) and is now all about that organic, non-gmo gluten free vegan life these days. At night, you'll find her staring at the sky, spiritually, as she closes her leaves to appreciate yet another day. Ahhhh... Namaste! Were you praying for more Prayer Plants? We got you fam! This gorgeous Green Prayer Plant, also known as Maranta Kerchoveana, is native to Brazil. She features a light green foliage with dark green patches on the front and a silvery green tone on the undersides—hello fifty shades of green! Coming from the rainforest, make sure to water and mist your Green Prayer regularly. As to her preferences for lighting: bright, indirect sun is best but she can tolerate a bit of shade every once in a while. 4 9 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Fertilize from spring through fall 8260115366175 Tradescantia Nanouk (S) Willie You might call Willie a vagrant or a vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Willie himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Meet your chill new roomie! To keep  your  Tradescantia Nanouk  looking and feeling good , water him moderately once a week, letting the top inch of soil dry between sips . Place  him  in bright, indirect sunlight for his daily dose of vitamin D. Despite his size, he's a showstopper with striking purple foliage, and is as easy to care for as he is stunning!  4 8 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 8260107338015 Calathea Orbifolia (M) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia and if that doesn't ring a bell, she's the real deal! Besides the fact that she's a stunning beautiy to look at, Isabella is also known as the princess of purifying! Her big beautiful leaves have no problem converting CO2 into Oxygen. But wait, there's more! Isabella is a non-poisonous plant so she plays real nice with your furry friends and little kids. Another fun fact; because her leaves are pretty strong, locals in South America often use them as packaging material for their freshly caught fish. We promised Isabella we wouldn't do that to her though, can you help us keep that promise? Isabella  grew up in the  Amazon forests  of  Brazil and the Colombian Jungle. She's a Calathea and those of you with experience caring for one already know: her beauty comes at a price! If you do so much as look at her the wrong way her leaves will turn yellow, brown and crispy! Keep her in low to medium light and provide this needy green amiga with some filtered water if you can. Much obliged! 6 12 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260087939359 Calathea Ornata (S) Pink Pink always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! Pink is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Julia, Brooke, Sophia and Susie. In fact, this pretty lady's got something not many plants have, pink stripes! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting her to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  4 6 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260036591903 Phlebodium Aureum | Blue Star Fern (S) Rio Looking for an air purifying pro? The Phlebodium is a great choice. Rio is a thirsty fella so be sure to give him plenty of water but no direct sunlight. Native to the subtropical regions of South America, Rio is often situated underneath the canopies of large trees. His pretty green fronds can last up to two years each! Rio isn't big on haircuts or slick looks, oh no, his fronds are all over the place! You may think Rio doesn't really know what to do with all those leaves but he just really likes the out of bed look. One leave is elongated and another will have six branches. It's fascinating how Rio manages to distract us with all of this randomness but we love it. Speaking of random: Phlebodium Aureum is Rio's official name so there's that useless fact, but he's more commonly referred to as a Blue Star Fern. The fronds of this beautiful fern friend are fast growing and will require regular watering. Keep the soil moist at all times and Rio will thank you! 4 12 Regular Strong air purifier Low light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 8260032168223 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (M) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. Mia might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, Mia known to be (queue high pitched voice) 'aweeeeeesome' at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. 6 8 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260030464287 Senecio Rowleyanus | String of Pearls (S) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 4 6 8260028498207 Crassula | Jade Plant (M) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 6 9 8260017619231 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (M) Kaa Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Kaa also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 6 18 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 8260016505119 Neon Pothos (S) The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 4 9 8260009427231 Peace Lily | Spathiphyllum (M) Lilly Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The LilyLilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily.  6 15 8930857615647 Sansevieria Masoniana Variegata | Variegated Whale Fin Snake (L) The Masoniana Whale Fin Snake Plant prefers bright, indirect light (for now). She’s a succulent so water her sparingly! If you’re lucky, and you take good care of your Johanis, she’ll grow up to four feet tall! Talk about a whale of a plant. Ha! Who doesn’t love a casual plant pun? (Eat the sun, Johanis. Eat it now.) 8930857517343 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Confetti (S) The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. The White Confetti, or 'Milk Confetti' is an beautiful and unique cultivar with splashes of pink variegation on its leaves. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing! 8930856796447 Coffea Arabica | Coffee Plant (L) Caring for the Coffea Arabica is as enjoyable as savoring a well-brewed cup of coffee. To keep this charming plant thriving, provide him with bright, indirect sunlight, like you'd find in your favorite corner cafe. Aim for soil that's consistently moist but not waterlogged (hold the cream and sugar). This Coffee Plant isn't into cold brew, so keep your indoor temperature cozy between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and consider misting his leaves regularly to keep him comfortable! 8930856698143 Ficus Benghalensis | Ficus Audrey (L) The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning. 8930856534303 Artificial Eucalyptus Tree in basket (XXL) Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this 5ft artificial eucalyptus tree in a beautiful basket! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At just under 6 feet high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect addition to your living room, foyer, or dining room. 8930856403231 Artificial Rubber Tree | Ficus Elastica (L) The Variegated Ficus Elastica is a sought-after plant known for its distinctive and vibrant appearance. Luckily, you can enjoy all the beauty of this plant without the fuss! This artificial Ficus Elastica features stunning variegated leaves, showcasing a mix of green and creamy white hues that add a perfect touch to any room. This medium-sized faux plant would look splendid on a shelf, coffee table, or dresser, bringing an elegant and lively atmosphere to your space. 8930856370463 Artificial Eucalyptus in Terra Pot (L) Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At 37cm high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect centerpiece on your dining table, coffee table, or entry table. It comes in a white ceramic pot for the ultimate package! 8930856337695 Artificial Bird of Paradise in Iron Pot (XXL) The 5 ft tall flowering Artificial Bird of Paradise is a highly sought-after plant, celebrated for its exotic and tropical allure. Fortunately, you can revel in the striking beauty of this majestic plant without the upkeep! This lifelike Artificial Bird of Paradise showcases impressive, large, banana-like leaves with rich green hues and distinct ribbing, creating a bold and vibrant presence. Standing at 5 feet tall, this is your statement piece in low-light environments. Perfect for enhancing the ambiance in your foyer, reception area or office space. 8930856272159 Artificial Agave in White Magnesium Pot Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At 37cm high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect centerpiece on your dining table, coffee table, or entry table. It comes in a white ceramic pot for the ultimate package! 8930855321887 Crassula Pellucida | Calico Kitten (S) This little succulent is the perfect plant for pink-lovers, beginner plant parents, or those wanting something a bit unique! The Crassula Pellucida “Calico Kitten” is a delicate vining succulent with pink, white, and green leaves.  thrives in bright, indirect light, with well-draining succulent soil. Water sparingly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry before watering, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. To maintain fullness, be sure to prune it during the growing season. 8930853224735 Eucalyptus Baby Blue (L) Eucalyptus is a gorgeous plant easily distinguished by its green-blue moon shaped leaves. While highly toxic to animals and humans, they make excellent bug repellents and are often used for their oil. Eucalyptus is a great plant to have outside in your garden, or indoors in a spacious pot and placed by a sunny, south facing window. They are a fairly easy care plant, as they don’t require a lot of water. If planting outdoors, be sure to give it lots of space for growth, and lots of sunshine. The Eucalyptus will do best outdoors in a sunny spot, and will even produce fluffy white flowers in the summertime to thank you! 8930852339999 Holly Jolly Jungle 8930852012319 Sugar n’ Spruce 8930851750175 Buddy the Bundle 8930851651871 Cupressus Goldcrest 'Wilma' | Lemon Cypress (S) The Lime Cypress is also known as the Lemon Cypress, or Goldcrest Cypress. These trees are perfect for indoors or outdoors, exude a fresh scent, and have beautiful yellow-green needles. Be sure to give them bright light—a few hours of sunshine will do these guys some good! Your Lime Cypress will also need regular watering, avoiding dry soil at all costs. 8930850799903 Cupressus Goldcrest 'Wilma' | Lemon Cypress (L) The Lime Cypress is also known as the Lemon Cypress, or Goldcrest Cypress. These trees are perfect for indoors or outdoors, exude a fresh scent, and have beautiful yellow-green needles. Be sure to give them bright light—a few hours of sunshine will do these guys some good! Your Lime Cypress will also need regular watering, avoiding dry soil at all costs. 8930850472223 Picea Glauca Conica | Alberta Spruce With White Cover Pot (M) Does not come with white decorative cover pot (pictured). The Alberta Spruce is a great addition to your home for that festive, natural touch. These small trees enjoy bright, indirect light—think near a north, west, or east facing window. Water them only when the top inch or two has dried out. After the holidays, your Spruce can be planted outside (in spring). Be sure to repot it into a slightly larger container if you notice the soil drying out extremely quick, or if there has been a lot of new growth. 8930850144543 Picea Glauca Conica | Alberta Spruce (S) Does not come with a decorative cover pot. The Alberta Spruce is a great addition to your home for that festive, natural touch. These small trees enjoy bright, indirect light—think near a north, west, or east facing window. Water them only when the top inch or two has dried out. After the holidays, your Spruce can be planted outside (in spring). Be sure to repot it into a slightly larger container if you notice the soil drying out extremely quick, or if there has been a lot of new growth. 8930849980703 Ficus Elastica Ruby | Rubber Tree (M) Heidi is a special Ficus. She looks so much bigger for her age! It must be those beautiful variegated leaves that she grows. Those colours really POP girl! Heidi is one of those plants that really loves to give back, providing you with amazing fresh living room air in return for a bit of H2-EAU. An exchange that we here like to call a love-Heidi relationship. 8930849030431 Zamioculcas (M) | Chameleon ZZ Plant Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 8930843820319 Chico the Terrarium | XS Terrarium's are hot (hehe) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like little Chico here! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in the limelight by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of three baby plants plants, some organic soil mix, and proper drainage material. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle. Included in your Terrarium Kit: -   Chico Terrarium (height 20cm width 15cm)-   3 baby plants-   Drainage material-   Decorative rock-   Tropical Plant Mix (soil) Do not (regularly) take off the lid after you've closed Chico. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Taco. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up in the form of drops on the glass. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears.  Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 8930843164959 Alocasia Bisma | Elephant Ear Bisma (S) Daredevil Alocasias like Olivia need a warm, humid place to relax when they’re not out saving the world. Place her in bright, indirect sunlight and give her some shade when it gets hot in the summer. If you take good care of her, she’ll award you with thick, richly coloured leaves that will make you the envy of all your friends and sworn enemies. Too bad for them that she’s so hard to find! 8930843001119 Tara the Terrarium | M Make your own unique, indoor home for beautiful plants with the Tara Terrarium Kit! Step up your interior decor game and get creative like never before. The kit includes everything you need to make a lush terrarium: soil, decorative rocks, drainage material, and gorgeous 4-5 extra small and small plants – making it easy to put together your own terrarium. Do not (regularly) take off the lid after you've closed Tara. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Tara. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up in the form of drops on the glass. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears. Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 8930842706207 Asparagus Plumosus | Plumosa Fern (S) The plumosa fern goes by many names—the asparagus fern, or lace fern being some of them. It's distinguished by its delicate, plume-like foliage and is actually a relative of edible asparagus! Beware of its stems, as they will grow very small (and very sharp) spines as the plant ages. Native to Africa, this plant enjoys bright, indirect light and can handle a range of temperatures and humidity levels, making it a very easy houseplant. 8930842247455 Aeschynanthus | Lipstick Mira (S) Because of the gorgeous way that Lipstick plants bloom, the flowers coming out of the bud make it undeniably similar to the tube of a lipstick. Anybody seeking a flower that will become a talking point should definitely pick up a Chanel. Too much watering can absolutely ravish a Chanel so be mindful not to soak the soil. These plants do need bright light (plus camera and action) but not all day long as their leaves can get scorched from too much sun. Place yours away from the window sill where it gets a few hours of sun for the best results. 8930842116383 Euphorbia Trigona Variegata | Variegated Cathedral Cactus (S) Bob really is an engineering wonder. Its his triangular or rhombic cross sections that give him the ability to grow to great heights (up to 5 metres!) outdoors or in the wild - don't worry he won't grow more than 50-60 cm in your home. Bob is easy to care for. He is one of those plants that usually runs into problems when he is overly doted upon. Put him in a nice bright spot with full or partial sun and leave him be. Water him sparingly, resist the urge when you are making the rounds with your other plant friends! He would rather have one big drink rather than a lot of small waterings. Do be careful with Bob, however! He is quite toxic and has sharp OUCH! spines. Use gloves whenever handling him and keep him far away from fifi and felix and your little ones. Bob's juice is quite toxic! 8930842018079 Monstera Epipremnoides | Esqueleto Swiss Cheese (S) The Monstera Esqueleto, also known as the Monstera Epipremnoides or Swiss Cheese plant, is a rare monstera originating from Costa Rica. Similar to an Adansonii, the Epipremnoides has highly fenestrated leaves. The Epipremnoides has a slightly thicker texture and lighter colour, and is a bit more difficult to care for. Like most tropical plants, it requires a high level of humidity and warm temperatures to keep happy. Avoid letting direct sunlight hit the leaves, and keep the soil moist but not soggy. It’s slow to grow, but is absolutely worth the effort! 8930841264415 Zamioculcas Black Raven | ZZ Plant (L) Introducing the Zamioculcas Black Raven. This dark and mysterious plant is a true gem among houseplants. With leaves that shift from bright green to striking violet-purple black, this variety adds a touch of intrigue to any space. He's not your run-of-the-mill houseplant; he's considered "rare" for a reason! However, despite his unique looks, this variety is surprisingly low-maintenance and likes to be cared for as if he was just any ol' ZZ! Just find him a cozy spot with indirect light, and let his soil dry out a bit between waterings. Go team easy! 8930841100575 Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa | Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant (M) Behold! The Variegated Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa, or the GOAT, the MVP, the unicorn of the plant world. Are we exaggerating? We think not. With its stunning white and green leaves, this tropical beauty will have you feeling like you're on a beach vacation even if you're just sitting on your couch in your PJs. 8930841067807 Euphorbia Lactea | White Ghost (S) Euphorbia White Ghost is an engineering wonder. Its his triangular cross sections that give him the ability to grow to great heights (up to 5 metres!) outdoors or in the wild - don't worry, he won't grow more than 50-60 cm in your home. White Ghost Euphorbia are easy to care for cacti. This is one of those plants that usually runs into problems when it is overly doted upon. Put yours in a nice bright spot with full or partial sun and just-leave-it-be. Water sparingly and resist the urge when you are making the rounds with your other plant friends. Do be careful around pets and kids, however! This is quite a toxic plant and then there are those prickly spines. Ouch! 8930840969503 Philodendron Tortum (S) Dramatic is probably the single best word we can use to describe the Philodendron Tortum. This rare split leaf philodendron is difficult to find, making it a coveted addition to any plant enthusiast collection. Leaves are almost fern-like in how they grow but  Like most Philodendron plants, this one is relatively easy to care for. Water only when the top inch or two has dried out. Bright, indirect light is best for this plant to thrive. Keep her away from direct sunlight to avoid scorching the leaves. What a beauty! 8930840543519 Philodendron Mamei | Silver Cloud (S) Philodendron Mamei Silver Cloud  is a striking tropical plant known for its large, heart-shaped silver-green leaves. This is a rare, easy to care for plant! Give your Silver Cloud bright, indirect light, and keep it away from cold windows. A humidity level between 60-80% is ideal, and you'll want to water it when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. As your plant grows, you may like to stick a moss pole in the soil for it to climb! You also may like to repot your plant every 2 years, as it is a fast grower but enjoys being slightly root-bound. Give it a well-draining soil suitable for aroids and you'll be good to go. 8930839593247 Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo | Variegated Dragon Tail (M) Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and grow at lightning speed. If you have a dark space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos is your new bff. Seriously. Carrie can hang with most indoor lighting conditions and isn’t too fussy about humidity. She’ll also purify the air in your home, so you can breathe easy breezy. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Carrie and her amigos as Devil’s Ivy but she’s not a fan of that nickname (we learned the hard way, see above). 8930805285151 Hoya Trio - Assorted (S) We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! Types of Hoyas will vary (Plantsome's choice), but you can trust us—we'll pick some cute ones for you! This product comes with a total of three Hoyas in ~4" pots. 8930805055775 Stromanthe Triostar (S) If you thought all we had was green, think again! The Calathea Triostar has wonderfully pink and creamy white leaves and yes that is amazing. But what is even more amazing is the fact that she closes those leaves at night! You may have to get used to the rustle! Donna loves the light but keep her away from direct sunlight. Peace and love sister! 8930803417375 Alocasia Tandurusa Jacklyn | African Mask (S) The Alocasia Tundurusa "Jacklyn" is a rare Alocasia known for it's unique leaf shape with dark green veins! Tandurusa means deer horns, and we think you shouldn't mess with this one. It's a mutation of the Alocasia Portei and, being from Indonesia, loves a lot of humidity and water. Keep this tropical plant away from direct sunlight as this will cause the leaves to burn. 8930803351839 Hoya Sigillatis | Wax Plant (S) The Hoya Sigillatis is popular among plant enthusiasts! It is pet friendly and easy to care, but also quite rare. This Hoya has beautiful elongated speckled silver and green leaves that trail down. The care for this unique houseplant is similar to other Hoyas—let its soil dry out, and keep it in bright light. Wax plants are fairly indestructible as long as you follow those requirements! 8930787623199 Ceropegia Woodii | Variegated String of Hearts (S) The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Emma is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days, but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Emma enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 8930787328287 Philodendron Sodiroi Ornatum | Giant Silver Shield (S) Philodendron Sodiroi Ornatum—also known as the Giant Silver Shield—is a striking tropical plant known for its large, silver-green leaves. This is a rare, easy to care for plant! Give your Ornatum bright, indirect light, and keep it away from cold windows. A humidity level between 60-80% is ideal, and you'll want to water it when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. As your Ornatum grows, you may like to stick a moss pole in the soil for it to climb! You also may like to repot your plant every 2 years, as it is a fast grower but enjoys being slightly root-bound. Give it a well-draining soil suitable for aroids and you'll be good to go. 8930785919263 Hoya Lacunosa Obscura | Sunrise Wax Plant (M) We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 8930785788191 Hoya Parasitica Black Margin | Wax Plant (M) We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 8930785493279 Hoya Crassipetiolata | Wax Plant (M) We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 8930785231135 Ficus Shivereana Moonshine | Rubber Tree (M) The Ficus Shivereana Moonshine is a rare Ficus, distinguished by its highly variegated green and cream coloured leaves. This variegation will increase with brighter light, resulted in speckled leaves. Although small, it is a statement plant that is very popular among plant collectors! The Ficus Moonshine loves bright, indirect light and high humidity. Allow the soil to dry out a bit before watering again to avoid root rot. 8930785034527 Hoya Macrophylla | Latifolia Variegata | Wax Plant (M) Hoya Latifolia Variegata, also known as Variegated Wax Plant, is a stunning tropical vine renowned for its attractive foliage. This hoya variety features lush, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with elegant splashes of creamy white and vibrant green. These amigos love bright, indirect light and for their soil to dry out a bit before watering. 8930784870687 Philodendron White Princess (S) Philodendrons have always been popular amongst plant parents, and Barb is no exception! This White Princess thrives in bright, filtered light, tons of humidity, and a warm environment. It reminds her of home after all! She’s known on the pageant circuit for her intricately shaped leaves and splash of pink. When it comes to her growth, our Barb can be a bit of a (social) climber and wouldn’t mind some support - we recommend a pole for stability (no, really). She told us her love languages are water and words of affirmation - remember that and you two will get along just fine! 8930784543007 Hoya Parasitica Black Margin | Wax Plant (S) We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 8260380557599 Epipremnum Aureum | Jade Pothos (S) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. Amelia might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, Amelia's known to be (queue high pitched voice) 'aweeeeeesome' at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. Obey that and she'll look like Amelian dollars. 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260330783007 Hoya Pubicalyx Splash | Wax Plant (M) Reza Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoya's are having a moment and for good reason! These beautiful and popular indoor tropical houseplants are easy to care for, and can produce stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 6 8 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 8260315218207 Philodendron Brazil (M) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place! Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. 6 8 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260304732447 Scindapsus Pictus Exotica | Satin Pothos (M) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? It's hard not to mention Miley's pretty spots when you see her. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. She's a stunner and she knows it. I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally. She claims. Its not common to see a plant so stunning that is yet so easy to care for but Miley is definitely one of them. She's a great hanging plant but will do just fine in a regular pot as well. Her leaves have an almost 'satin' feel to them and her silver spots are a sight to behold. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. Yep, she's a stunner and she knows it. "I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally." You grow girl! 6 9 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260293460255 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (M-5in) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 5 9 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 8260286873887 Philodendron Micans (S) Mike P If one of our plants were to star in his own dating show, Mike P. would be it. Though not particularly passionate about much in life, he does look great in black tie and will charm the leaves off of your parents. Just look at his velvety outfit! Whether he’s in your ensuite or your fantasy suite, Mike P.’s just a low maintenance lad that enjoys long walks on the beach, intermittent fasting, and hangin’ with his buds. The TOTAL package, if you ask us. Mike P.’s on a journey to find love and build a connection that lasts. His perfect match is someone who plays hard to get and occasionally leaves him on read… absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Indigenous to the islands of Dominica and Tobago, this smooth talker likes it when you leaf him alone to do his thing. Fairly low maintenance, the Philodendron Micans will also tolerate most light levels and a forgetful plant parent. But as long as you’re there for the right reasons, Mike P. will grow trails and trails of velvety foliage fit for television stardom. Ideally, he likes his soil moist and his air well-circulated (whatever that means)... Trust us, he’ll thank you for it with the most. dramatic. season. yet. 4 6 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260282581279 Sansevieria Moonshine | Snake Plant (S) Luna Luna is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Luna is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Luna and you'll have a happy plant! Luna also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Luna does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Moonshine is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Luna can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Luna is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Luna doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Luna hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Luna really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 4 6 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 8260280615199 Davallia Fejeensis | Rabbits Foot Fern (S) Armie Rabbit's Foot Ferns have airy foliage that conceals furry, finger-like rhizomes. Like deep, dark secrets, these rhizomes can't stay hidden forever and eventually start to peekk over the sides of the container, fully visible. Armie doesn’t know a thing about dark secrets. He’s just your average, All-American celebrity with an oil-tycoon grandfather. And yes, he likes to look at raw meat from time to time. And yes, he fantasizes about eating other ferns. And yes, he wishes that he owned you. And yes, it is true that maybe, perhaps, he forgot where he was going with this. Just remember how attractive he is, okay? Cannibalism aside, Armie is a great houseplant. He’s easy on the eyes and knows how to drape his lush leaves over the edges of a hanging basket with the right ratio of grace to pizzazz. Mist Armie’s leaves every day and keep his soil slightly moist. Put Armie somewhere bright, so that he gets enough indirect sunlight and so your other plants can see him when he tries to sneak up on them. 4 7 Frequent Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Non toxic Every 2 years in spring or summer Every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer 8260263182623 Alocasia Reginula | Black Velvet (S) Lil Nas Lil Nas made big ripples in our greenhouse when he slid down our custom silver pole (everybody has one, it’s not weird), into his plot of soil and unfurled his dark, velvety leaves. We were all like, “Oh my god”, and he was like, “No. It’s me, Satan. Didn’t you hear?” And then he serenaded us in a pair of miniature leather boots. It was a beautiful experience and we’ve readjusted our pole so it goes the other way. See you all there. You may live in the dark, we cannot pretend, but that doesn’t mean Lil Nas should. In fact, Lil Nas is quite particular about all aspects of his care. He needs bright but indirect light and likes warm, humid areas and moist (but not wet, but not dry!) soil. Please wait for the top two inches of his soil to dry between waterings and don’t worry about the dancing. That’s part of the package. If you can't keep the humidity levels high enough, be sure to spray his leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your insta feed or doing other important work. Hey who said taking care of plants was easy! Hey...where are you going? Come back! 4 5 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 8260254794015 Jade Pothos (M) Auri There's a dark air to Auri. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Auri does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, Auri has aged well: she's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes her older than knock knock jokes. And she still has the hots! If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: Auri is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. Not only is she cold, she's blasé like Beyoncé: leave her to burn in the sun and Auri will still behave like she's totally lovin' it, her heart-shaped leaves all out like it's for that super chill selfie. 6 8 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260200136991 Ceropegia Woodii | String of Hearts (S) Juliet Juliet wears her heart on her leaves. She fiercely believes there’s somebody out there for her. For all of us. We just have to find them. Juliet spends most of her free time planning her dream wedding - the perfect decor, the perfect wedding band, everything perfect for her perfect prince. Nobody has the heart to tell her that there's no such thing as perfect. Lets face it, who wants to be the one to tell somebody to stop believing in love? Juliet’s met some great plants but they’re just not him y’know. They’re not Romeo. The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Juliet is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Juliet enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 4 4 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Non-toxic Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 8260193714463 Davallia Fejeensis | Rabbits Foot Fern (M) Armie Rabbit's Foot Ferns have airy foliage that conceals furry, finger-like rhizomes. Like deep, dark secrets, these rhizomes can't stay hidden forever and eventually start to peekk over the sides of the container, fully visible. Armie doesn’t know a thing about dark secrets. He’s just your average, All-American celebrity with an oil-tycoon grandfather. And yes, he likes to look at raw meat from time to time. And yes, he fantasizes about eating other ferns. And yes, he wishes that he owned you. And yes, it is true that maybe, perhaps, he forgot where he was going with this. Just remember how attractive he is, okay? Cannibalism aside, Armie is a great houseplant. He’s easy on the eyes and knows how to drape his lush leaves over the edges of a hanging basket with the right ratio of grace to pizzazz. Mist Armie’s leaves every day and keep his soil slightly moist. Put Armie somewhere bright, so that he gets enough indirect sunlight and so your other plants can see him when he tries to sneak up on them. 6 9 Frequent Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Non toxic Every 2 years in spring or summer Every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer 8260184834335 Red Anthurium (M) Lanira Lanira is not even a closed book. She’s a sealed vault. She never says anything past a few words. She’s one of those plants who can tell an entire story with just her facial expressions. But she’ll never tell you her own story. The only reason anybody knows her name is because she lost her purse with her I.D once. When you meet her for the first time you might think she’s mute and Lanira likes to keep it that way, so if you could kindly stop talking that would be much appreciated. Be more like Lanira, and observe, just look and listen you know? People do not hide what they don’t know is on show and Lanira sees all! The Anthurium, much like the Philodendron, is a big family of plants and just like all big families, there's one star that shines the brightest. Enter Anthurium Andraenum or if that's to much of a tongue twister; the Flamingo Lily. This beautiful lady is originally found in places like Equador and Colombia but quickly won over the hearts of many plant parents all over the world. She's easy to care for and produces long lasting bright beautiful lily like flowers. Such a beauty! 6 14 8260161470751 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (S) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. Mia might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, Mia known to be (queue high pitched voice) 'aweeeeeesome' at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260159897887 Peperomia Argyreia (M) | Watermelon Plant James James is Plantsome's secret agent. He pulls off the most insane stunts in his watermelon suit. James is half-succulent which means he stores water in his leaves. It also means that James doesn't get upset when you forget to water him. And when you do give him his drink, shaken, not stirred! James is an absolute super hero at taking care of himself. He's so busy making the world a better place that he has no time to die. His air purifying skills are second to none and his pet friendliness provides a safe refuge for Fifi and Felix! You and James are going to form a really strong bond. 4 6 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 8260158193951 Peace Lily Domino | Spathiphyllum (M) Ricardo Tanned. Chiseled chest. Hips of a god. Rhythm of the Devil - Ricardo will make any woman’s knees weak and a few men uncomfortably intrigued. Ricardo rolls his “r”s like the ocean rolls in tides and he stops to dance only until the sun has come up. Ricardo’s from a tropical part of the world with a name you can never properly pronounce. Legend has it he learnt to salsa before he learnt to walk and his first word was “Olé!” Ricardo's roots are in South America, but caramba! He will do just fine in any Canadian household! He's a beautiful Spathiphyllum (we know, its a jaw breaker), and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily Domino. We're guessing Ricardo's got his domino name because of his cute freckles but it might also be because he runs a secret high stakes gambling ring together with Mojo. In any case, Ricardo doesn't need much from you, just some water from time to time. He'll tell you when by dropping his leaves. It's a bit of a drama move, but so befitting Ricardo! 6 16 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 8260153114911 Neon Pothos (L) Aura There's a dark air to Aura. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Aura does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 8 4 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260140859679 Philodendron Brazil (L) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place!  Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 8 13 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260128276767 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (S) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 4 6 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 8260117430559 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (S) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260114481439 Calathea Makoyana | Peacock Plant (S) Leandro This stunning Brazilian dude is ready to elevate your home to a whole new level of glam. To look the way he does, Leandro spends hours at the gym every single day. We are kind of obssessed to be honest. Those incredible glossy, strong, manicured leaves resemble the looks of an Olympian God. He's just impeccably handsome! Gosh! Leandro has beautiful dark and pale green leaves that make him spectacular. This Peacock plant is used to the exotic, tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro, so he expects that you place him somewhere with constant high humidity. Placing a bowl with water near Leandro is nice. Also, let those muscles grow by making sure that Leandro enjoys low to moderate sunlight and a well-moist soil.  Obrigado! 4 7 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260104814879 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (L) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. Mia might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, Mia known to be (queue high pitched voice) 'aweeeeeesome' at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. 8 14 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260092887327 Senecio Rowleyanus | String of Pearls (M) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 6 7 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 8260092002591 Hoya Pubicalyx | Porcelain Flower (S) Reza Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoya's are b(l)ooming and for good reason! These beautiful and easy to care for tropicals have stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent that is. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. Its a sight to behold! We've named this Hoya Publicalyx 'Reza which means 'hope' and we sure hope that he'll bring you some beautiful blooms! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 8260088037663 Pothos Jade Pearl (M) Aurora Aura's chill sister, Aurora is the laid-back one. Sure, like all Epipremnum Aureum (that's her royalty name), Aurora digs being in the spotlight, but not if that means direct sunlight or paparazzi flashes. Kind of like the Pippa to Aura's Kate. You grow, girl! Aurora is the nerdy type who loves to read about what NASA is up to these days. In fact, she was even featured in a viral NASA article once, about air purifying plants! Like most nerds, Aurora too hates to leave the house, and would rather have her sunlight filtered through a window. Otherwise, if you give her a lot of light, Aurora will wither like a vampire in the sun, or that kid in school that one time his crush caught him doing the Spock Hand Sign (cue sad trombone sound effect). 6 8 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260085252383 Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus' | Satin Pothos (S) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? The Satin Pothos, or Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus', isn't just a stunner; she's also delightfully low-maintenance. Whether she's hanging gracefully or sitting pretty in a regular pot, this plant knows how to work it. Her leaves feel almost as silky as her silver spots look stunning. We can't help but sing her praises daily here at Plantsome, and she's not one to argue. You grow, girl! She'll thrive in bright, indirect light and likes a good drink every 1-2 weeks. And here's a pro tip: give her a refreshing mist occasionally to maintain her radiant appearance. This Satin Pothos knows she's fabulous – and she's here to make your space just as fabulous! 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260082925855 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (S) Kaa Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Kaa also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 4 8 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 8260078862623 Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus' | Satin Pothos (M) The Satin Pothos, or Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus', isn't just a stunner; she's also delightfully low-maintenance. Whether she's hanging gracefully or sitting pretty in a regular pot, this plant knows how to work it. Her leaves feel almost as silky as her silver spots look stunning. We can't help but sing her praises daily here at Plantsome, and she's not one to argue. You grow, girl! She'll thrive in bright, indirect light and likes a good drink every 1-2 weeks. And here's a pro tip: give her a refreshing mist occasionally to maintain her radiant appearance. This Satin Pothos knows she's fabulous – and she's here to make your space just as fabulous! 6 13 8260078534943 Neon Pothos (M) Aura There's a dark air to Aura. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Aura does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 6 11 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260075880735 Neanthebella | Parlour Palm (S) Vicky When all of your brothers and sisters are big and burly, you have to do something to stand out. Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Meet the Parlour Palm, or Neanthebella, the pint-sized tropical sensation that'll fit right into your home, no matter the size. Hailing from the lush landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this little green superstar has been stealing hearts around the globe since the Victorian era – talk about timeless charm! The Parlour Palm adds a touch of the tropics to any space. She's a low-maintenance queen, thriving in cozy corners with bright, indirect sunlight. Just remember to keep her soil slightly moist but not soggy – she's got a thing for balance. So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, let this beauty bring the tropical vibes to your indoor jungle! 4 8 Regular Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Pet friendly Once every year Once a month in summer 8260069392671 Philodendron Cordatum (S) | Green Heartleaf Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate! The Philodendron Cordatum is the irresistible sweetheart that dots her ‘i’s with little hearts in purple ink. She’s an easy going gal – she can hang around or climb to new heights, whatever suits your fancy. Hailing from the jungle, the Green Heartleaf thrives in warm, humid atmospheres and adores basking in bright, filtered sunlight – just like those exotic jungle dwellers lounging under the leafy canopy. And here's the secret to her heart (shaped leaves…): don't be shy about giving her vines a little trim; it's the secret to helping her fill out and live up to all her plant potential! 4 6 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260068835615 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (L) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia's older brother, Indy left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 8 4 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260051075359 Croton Gold Dust (S) Lee-Anne The Croton Petra is not the most air purifying plant that you'll find but fear not. Just like any other plant, Lee-Anne will turn Carbon Dioxide into oxygen for you. With Lee-Anne you'll have a happy houseplant no matter what. The Asian beauty Croton Petra is one of the prettiest girls in the classroom. Lee-Anne may look innocent but she has a rebellious streak for sure! If anyone asks, yes she enjoys visits to the salon for a new look. How else would she change those colors all the time? We see right through you Lee-Anne! 4 6 Frequent Lightly air purifying Bright spot with no direct sunlight Lightly poisonous Once every two years Once per month (summer) 8260048683295 Alocasia Amazonica | African Mask (M) Tiki You know that Brady Bunch episode when the gang goes to Hawaii and Bobby finds an old Hawaiin Idol that brings bad luck to whoever touches it? Let's just say cultural sensitivity in the 70's wasn't what it is today. Well, Alocasia Amazonica or Tiki is kinda similar - she's not from the Amazon at all - but was created in a Florida nursery in the 50's by crossing A. longiloba and A. sanderiana. And to top it off many people feel they have been cursed by bad luck when they realize how difficult it can be to look after these plants. Oh, Tiki! The Alocasia Amazonica is one of many species of Alocasia (almost 100 unique species!). It's commonly known as an African Mask or Elephant's Ear plant. The dark leaves with striking white veins make it a popular houseplant. Those beautiful leaves can grow to up to 40 cm in length. Alocasia thrive in bright, indirect sunlight - as much as they can get. Like a lot of tropical plants, water is important - the soil in the spring and summer should always be moist - but not soaking wet. Alocasia can be a challenging plant to care for, but when you get it right, it is incredibly rewarding!Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 6 15 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 8260045963551 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (M) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 6 20 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Moderately toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 8260043112735 Pilea Peperomioides | Pancake Plant (S) Penny We first met Penny in Vegas. It was 3am and we were working our way through a full stack of buttermilk pancakes at one of those 24 hour joints just off the strip. She was in one of the booths at the back of the room conducting a little off-license gambling operation - playing a shell game. She was so charming and smooth we fell for her immediately. As fast as you can say "flapjack" she had cleaned us out completely. That's OK, caveat emptor right? She is a money plant after all! What a delightful plant Penny is! Her big pancake shaped leaves remind you of Happy Faces and happy times. She is an easy plant to care for and grow. Just keep her well watered (her roots don't like to dry out) and in a nice bright spot and she will grow lots of new Pennies. That's right, it is super easy to propagate Penny so you can give good luck Pennies to friends and they can do the same and so on, and so on... 4 7 Frequent Low air purifying Bright spot, no direct sunlight Non-toxic Every two years Once a month 8260042162463 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Swiss Cheese Plant (M) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 6 14 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 8260041146655 Peperomia Argyreia (S) | Watermelon Plant James James is Plantsome's secret agent. He pulls off the most insane stunts in his watermelon suit. James is half-succulent which means he stores water in his leaves. It also means that James doesn't get upset when you forget to water him. And when you do give him his drink, shaken, not stirred! James is an absolute super hero at taking care of himself. He's so busy making the world a better place that he has no time to die. His air purifying skills are second to none and his pet friendliness provides a safe refuge for Fifi and Felix! You and James are going to form a really strong bond. 4 8 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 8260039377183 Ficus Lyrata Bush (M) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen, or the Ficus Lyrata, is commonly referred to as a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Get it? Fiddle...Leaf...Fig. On Saturday nights you'll find her at underground deep house dance clubs but on Sunday she loves to put on the jazzy tunes. But don't shy away from pop songs either. Let her listen to your favourite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She loves those too! Go Eileen! 6 15 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 8260039246111 Crassula | Jade Plant (S) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 4 5 Little Light air purifying Direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once a year Not needed 8260036722975 Philodendron Cordatum (M) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate! What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants lliving under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more. (50cm size up to top of hanging basket hanger) Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 6 10 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260035772703 Sansevieria Moonshine | Snake Plant (M) Luna Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Kaa also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Moonshine is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Luna can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Luna is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Luna doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Luna hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Luna really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 6 13 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 8260033839391 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (L) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 8 12 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260029546783 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (M) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 6 10 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260029350175 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (S) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 4 7 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 8260029219103 Neanthebella | Parlour Palm (M) Vicky When all of your brothers and sisters are big and burly, you have to do something to stand out. Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Meet the Parlour Palm, or Neanthebella, the pint-sized tropical sensation that'll fit right into your home, no matter the size. Hailing from the lush landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this little green superstar has been stealing hearts around the globe since the Victorian era – talk about timeless charm! The Parlour Palm adds a touch of the tropics to any space. She's a low-maintenance queen, thriving in cozy corners with bright, indirect sunlight. Just remember to keep her soil slightly moist but not soggy – she's got a thing for balance. So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, let this beauty bring the tropical vibes to your indoor jungle! 6 16 Regular Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Pet friendly Once every year Once a month in summer 8260029088031 Ficus Elastica Burgundy | Rubber Tree (M-6in) Jack If making fresh air would be like weight lifting, Jack would be a world champion weightlifter. The pro at filtering for fresh air, Jack is on that famous list of the top-ten best air purifiers according to NASA. And let's just clear the air for a moment here, good air means good vibes! Some say that Jack will help boost your creativity, stamina, reaction speed and neural development. A Jack of all trades! Introducing the Ficus Elastica Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 6 14 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 8260028793119 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (M) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce! 6 18 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 8260028727583 Aloe Vera (S) Vera Vera is that fit, healthy #spinningclassat6AM friend we all have. You know, the one that's on a KETO diet and looks at you funny when you order a creamy donut as a side to your eggs benny. While we go about living our best life, Vera is living her fittest life and we have to admit, she's looking pretty darn good. All those workouts have given her a little bit of a prickly character but thats ok. Nothing that a chocolate bar can't fix. Oh wait...We didn't mean that Vera... Vera? Vera! The Aloe Vera plant is actually a member of the succulent family, which means she doesn't need much water! Succulents store water in their stems, roots or leaves. Saving it for a not-so-rainy-day, shall we say? We think it's a pretty neat trick since all we have is that pesty water bottle we keep forgetting. But there's more to this plant than just survival skills; she's an air-purifying powerhouse, ensuring your space stays fresh. Even legends like Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were wise to her charms. Plus, she's incredibly low-maintenance, so you can relax even if you occasionally forget to water her. Just remember to place her in bright, indirect sunlight, let her soil dry out between waterings, and avoid exposing her to extreme cold. Keep it chill, and this Aloe will keep your space looking and feeling fresh.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 4 9 Little Strong air purifier Partial shade Toxic! Once every two years Not needed 8260027941151 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Plant (L) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 8 14 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 8260027449631 Ficus Burgundy | Rubber Tree (S) Jack If making fresh air would be like weight lifting, Jack would be a world champion weightlifter. The pro at filtering for fresh air, Jack is on that famous list of the top-ten best air purifiers according to NASA. And let's just clear the air for a moment here, good air means good vibes! Some say that Jack will help boost your creativity, stamina, reaction speed and neural development. A Jack of all trades! Introducing the Ficus Robusta Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 4 7 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 8260027318559 Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen/Princess | Wax Plant (M) Jessica Jessica is a go getter. She started her career long ago as a movie and TV extra in L.A. but she's a gal with big ambitions. Back in the day she says she would juggle her time between countless auditions and being a bartender in a strip club bar near Long Beach. These days, Jessica is the lead actress in many Hollywood blockbuster movies and even has a Wax Bar. Its a strange combo but hey, you work it, girl! Get ready to say "yaasss" to the Hoya Krimson Queen! This beautiful, variegated Hoya Carnosa is a visual treat, really! Jessica's lovely foliage features light and dark green tones with strawberry cream markings if treated well. Talking about care, make sure you let Jessica tan somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. Also, don't forget to water her once a week but DON'T over do it. Coming from L.A., Jessica doesn't like the rain that much! *Please note that Plantsome carries an assorted variety of Krimson Princess and Krimson Queen. You will receive either of these two plants in your order. 6 8 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 8260026171679 Ficus Lyrata (S) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen is Evelyn's sister. And boy do these Fiddle Leaf Figs like to party. Eileen is all about that Jazz but she doesn't shy away from pop or rock songs either. Let her listen to your favourite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She'll love it! Go Eileen! This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen is Evelyn's sister. And boy do these Fiddle Leaf Figs like to party. Evelyn is all about that Jazz but she doesn't shy away from pop or rock songs either. Let her listen to your favourite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She'll love it! Go Eileen!Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 4 8 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 8260017357087 Croton Petra (M) Lee-Anne The Croton Petra is not the most air purifying plant that you'll find but fear not. Just like any other plant, Lee-Anne will turn Carbon Dioxide into oxygen for you. With Lee-Anne you'll have a happy houseplant no matter what. The Asian beauty Croton Petra is one of the prettiest girls in the classroom. Lee-Anne may look innocent but she has a rebellious streak for sure! If anyone asks, yes she enjoys visits to the salon for a new look. How else would she change those colors all the time? We see right through you Lee-Anne! 6 12 Lightly air purifying Bright spot with no direct sunlight Lightly poisonous Once every two years Once per month (summer) 8260306632991 Scindapsus Pictus Exotica | Satin Pothos (S) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? It's hard not to mention Miley's pretty spots when you see her. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. She's a stunner and she knows it. I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally. She claims. Its not common to see a plant so stunning that is yet so easy to care for but Miley is definitely one of them. She's a great hanging plant but will do just fine in a regular pot as well. Her leaves have an almost 'satin' feel to them and her silver spots are a sight to behold. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. Yep, she's a stunner and she knows it. "I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally." You grow girl! 4 6 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 8260201513247 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Minima Monstera Ginny (S) Nikki Just because Nikki is an easy plant to maintain, doesn’t mean she’s an easy plant to find. In order to “get down with the Nik-ness”, you must remind her how rare and special she is on the daily. She likes to think that she’s the last plant you think about at night and the first plant you think about in the morning. But, like, don’t get too obsessed because Nikki doesn’t like that. She’s cool and casual. Cool, casual, and ready to be showered in your unrelenting love. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Raaa-fid-a-fooor...screw it. This plant is chill. She doesn’t have time for nine syllable Latin names and neither do we. Her name is Nikki (two syllables, thank you very much) and she’s always down to hang. Well, as long as the lighting is good and her soil is moist. Not too moist: remember to drain the soil. 4 6 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 8260081975583 Sansevieria Futura | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 4 4 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed