How to care for a Limequat plant

The limequat is a beautiful fruit tree that is actually a crossing between the Kumquat fruit and a regular Lime. This plant can be planted out of its pot outside or kept inside of a pot. Water frequently in summer and reduce to twice a month in winter. The fruits will be ready for harvest around november through march. When you do put the plant outside, cover it up when the freeze sets in.

Get one of these yourself!

  • A lot of
  • One every two years
  • Bright direct sunlight
  • Pet friendly
  • Once every two weeks

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  • The limequat is native to Florida where they were hybridized by the local botanist Walter T Swingle. The fruits are delicious and can be used in dishes both cooked and raw. After all, why should you not enjoy some of the fruits of all that labor!
  • Not the greatest at air purifying due to the relatively small size of the leaves
  • The limequat is not toxic! Yay!
  • Water the Limequat frequently and at least weekly in the summer months. Be careful not to over water the plant as root rot may set in. When the top soil is drying out is a good time to water.
  • The Limequat, just like most fruit trees loves to have plenty of light. Keep yours in direct sunlight for at least a few hours a day and it will produce the best fruit.
  • Starting around february and through the summer months fertilize your fruit tree once a month with a good helping of plant food. If you apply the right amount the plant will bear lots of healthy fruit. Don't overdo it though, about 1 lbs per inch-diamater of its trunk.
  • Repot once every two years if you see the plant growing out of its pot. Another great option is to plant this fruit bearing tree into your garden where it will continue to grow. The Limequat is pretty winter hardy and can withstand some cold. Just make sure to cover it when temperatures dip below 0 celsius
  • Pruning isnt really needed for a fruit tree but if you want to stop its growth a little you can prune some excess growth.
  • Like any fruit tree, the Limequat is prone to getting bug attacks during the strong growth months. Be mindful of checking your plants frequently in the spring and summer time.

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