How to care for a Venus Fly Trap plant

The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that you can take care of with ease. Before you start thinking what and how to feed Bear, it's important that you treat him like any other plant. Bear prefers a nicely lit spot with a couple of mists every every so often and an evenly but constantly moist soil, specially during the summer. Now, Bear can go for a month or two without eating any insects, but we recommend that you feed him once a week
  • Constantly wet soil, so lots of
  • Once a year
  • Bright, indirect light
  • Not toxic
  • Flies please!

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  • Venus flytraps are native to North Carolina and South Carolina!
  • Low air purifier.
  • Not toxic... phew!
  • We recommend keeping the soil moist at all times. It is important to use distilled or rain water.
  • They thrive in bright indirect sunlight.
  • In order for this amigo to digest prey, it is important to stimulate the trigger hairs, after the trap closes. The reason why this is important, is because you wont want your plant wasting energy in digesting non-edible matter that may have landed in the trap. You can do this gently, using a toothpick (or anything similar).
  • Repot your amigo once a year
  • Older traps will turn black (this is totally normal), as they are replaced with new ones. Carefully remove old leaves/traps as they turn black.
  • Keep an eye out for aphids and fungus gnats! Try to avoid feeding your flytrap an insect that are too large, as they won't be able to digest it. This will cause the insect to rot, which causes the trap to blacken.

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