
How (sun)light works
It is important to match your plant with its location in the house. Some plants prefer full sun while others like to be a bit further awaySunnyThis category is for the sun lovers that don't mind sitting near a south facing window and can take 5+ hours of direct sunlight such as Snake Plants, Cacti and Succulents Partial ShadeBy far the biggest category are plants that like some sun and some shade. A few hours of direct sun is ok, but too much will scorch their leaves. Most tropical plants come from regions where they grow under the canopy of trees, where only some direct light will seep through.ShadePlants that like to be in shade are popular for that exact reason. They are more versatile as they can be placed pretty much anywhere in the house. If you can read a book comfortably, there is enough light for your shade plant.
5+ hours of direct sunlight
Between 12"-24" tall
Between 24"-36" tall
Between 36"-48" tall
Child and Pet Safe (3)
Easy care (3)
From23to 125CAD
Where will you place your plant?
We believe that certain locations require certain types of plants. Let us explain!Bathroom plantsWe are assuming that your bathroom has windows and let some light in during the day but likely less than 4 hours daily. Secondly, we keep humidity levels in mind. Bathroom plants are plants that thrive in higher humidities.Office PlantsWe've selected plants that can take a variety of light conditions and aren't too fussy for your office. Easy green amigos so you can focus on the job at hand!Bedroom plantsBedrooms typically have less than ideal light conditions as windows tend to be a bit smaller and covered up. We've selected plants that can tolerate shade or partial sun/shade as your best companions for the bedroom.
Plant types
What's your type eh?
Plants can be classified in several different ways and in different categories. We've made a few distinctions here so it's easier to shop your favorite plant friends.
Pot size


The Ponytail Palm, or Beaucarnea Recurvata, is also called an Elephant's Foot, and we can kinda see why. The stalk of this plant looks humongous! To say that this succulent (yes it is a succulent!) has a special look would be an understatement. Its frazzled appearance can be very appealing to some though, as we've seen this plant gain in popularity recently!

3 Plants|Sort by
Ponytail Palm Stump | Beaucarnea (M)


17 inches tall
6 inch diameter
Ponytail Palm | Beaucarnea (S)


25 inches tall
10 inch diameter
Ponytail Palm | Beaucarnea (XL)


30 inches tall
10 inch diameter